Subject: USDA Recruiting Wildlife Specialist for Wildlife Damage Management in Central, Illinois
Date: September 12, 2011
The Illinois Wildlife Services program is recruiting a Wildlife Specialist (Biological Science Technician) for work in managing conflicts with wildlife. Duties will primarily include implementing a technical assistance and operational feral swine damage management program. A majority of the duties will be conducted in central Illinois, but travel throughout the state will occur on occasion. This will be a fulltime,
term position not to exceed 13 months of employment. The appointment may be extended if funding is available. The starting salary will range between $27,990/year (GS-404-4) and $34,907/year (GS-404-6), depending on qualifications. Fringe benefits will be provided for this position. Relocation costs will not be paid for this position. The starting date is negotiable, but we would prefer the incumbent
to start during early November, 2011.
This assignment involves working as part of a team of WS employees conducting feral swine damage management in Illinois. The employee will also work closely with cooperating entities while conducting damage management activities. Work shifts change daily and will include working afternoons, evenings, and nights. Effective communication skills with other WS employees, partnering agencies/ entities, and the public are required.
The duty station for this position will be located in the vicinity of Fulton County, Illinois.
Interested individuals should send a completed SF-171, OF-612 (application for federal employment), or resume to:
Scott Beckerman
State Director
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
2869 Via Verde Drive
Springfield, Illinois 62703
Application materials must be received in our office by
September 23, 2011. Interviews will be scheduled shortly thereafter. If you need an application please contact us (217 241-6700) and we would be glad to provide you one.