Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Forest Study Research Assistants

June 22 - August 1st, 2011.  2 positions at $450/week or based on experience.

Two positions are available to work on a study of changing forest structure across a rainfall gradient.  We are interested in the differences in allocation of plants in fine roots, foliage, and woody biomass as rainfall and nitrogen vary.  With increasing resources belowground a plant might need less investment to take it up, but also might need more investment to be a strong competitor.  We have explored these mechanisms theoretically (Dybzinski et al 2011 AmNat and Farrior et al In Review) and experimentally (Farrior et al in prep) and are now working on an observation of natural variation.

As rainfall regimes change over large spatial scales, the job requires a lot of travel by car.  We will be working in 16 different forests in West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa.  Jobs include tagging trees, measuring DBH, species identification, taking and processing fine root and nitrogen samples.  No experience with any of these tasks is necessary.  An ability to safely drive long distances is highly desirable.  Enthusiasm for being in the field, sleeping in a tent, dealing with bugs, and driving across the country is required.  To apply, please send: a resume, a letter describing your interest in the work, and contact information of two references to Caroline Farrior (  Do not hesitate to contact Caroline with any questions about the positions via email or phone (918-853-1401).

Caroline E. Farrior
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Princeton University

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